EU4LEA Workshop/ Training-on-the-job on the preparation of police reports on Organized Crime

8th June 2023, Security Academy.

A fruitful Workshop/ on the job – training, aimed at enhancing the preparation of police and NBI case officers, investigators and judicial police to better structure the reporting methodology used for reporting on organized crime investigation, became once again an excellent opportunity to exchange thoughts and discussions on reporting services both from the Special Prosecution point of view as well as from the General Prosecution office and NBI and ASP investigators.

The magistrates from SPAK and Tirana Prosecution Office discussed jointly with Italian counterparts on hot topics such as special techniques of investigation, legal provisions and criticalities connected to the practical usage of these techniques by the NBI and ASP investigators and many more. 

Knowing that the reporting services, offered by police officers to the Prosecutors’, both SPAK and GPO, are very important and crucial tools for a successful trial in court, the Eu4LEA TL and MTE clarified in details how to deal with different kinds of reporting and notes and interim or final information notes.