EU4LEA Project organised a high-quality intensive training course on identification of imposters and forged travel documents, from 27 March to 07 April 2023, at the Security Academy of the Albanian State Police. The training was delivered by two Austrian short-term experts with in-depth knowledge and long experience on forged documents.
The 1st week training was addressed to newly appointed border controllers and the 2nd week training to more experienced border controllers. The training was attended by 40 border police employees from all Local Border and Migration Directorates.
The purpose of the training was to enhance the knowledge and expertise of border police employees on forged or counterfeited documents. The training focussed on elements relating to passport manufacturing security features, foil security features, printing techniques, plastic cards, optical variable devices, new trends in counterfeit documents, misuse of genuine documents and other topics of interest. This training will be followed by other training activities in the future.
Special mobile document checking devices of the latest generation, named “Doculus Lumus”, were practically used during the training. Those devices were purchased and donated to Border and Migration Department by EU4LEA Project.