EU4LEA’s Dynamic Surveillance Training: Certificate Award Ceremony

On June 27, 2024, a special ceremony was held to celebrate the successful completion of the “Dynamic Surveillance in Urban Areas” course. This event marked the conclusion of an intensive two-week training program that was delivered to several groups over the course of nearly a year, focused on advanced surveillance techniques such as tailing, drone surveillance, and other cutting-edge methodologies. The course was organized by the EU4LEA project and aimed at enhancing the operational capabilities of investigators from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Police Officers of the Special Operational Forces of the Albanian State Police (ASP), and the Police Oversight Agency (POA).

The ceremony was attended by many high-level officials from the ASP, NBI, POA, EU Delegation in Tirana and other international pareu4leas-dynamic-surveillance-training-certificate-award-ceremonytners, were present to acknowledge this accomplishment. The investigators and officers received their certificates, which were signed by the Director General of the ASP, by the NBI Director, POA Director, the Rector of the Security Academy, and the Team Leader of the EU4LEA project.

A highlight of the ceremony was the special address by Brigadier General Vincenzo Molinese, Commander of the Special Operations Group (ROS) of the Italian Carabinieri Corps. Brigadier General Molinese, representing the special forces that provided the expertise for the training course, shared his insights and commended the participants for their dedication and achievement.

EU4LEA Project by organizing this course and ceremony, recognized and celebrated the commitment and excellence of these investigators and officers as they advance their skills in dynamic surveillance, contributing to a greater safety and security for all.